lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

Publishing News: MAY 2018

May starts tomorrow! And that means new publishing news. Here we leave you the books that are published this month and that we most want to read…


A heart to protect. A debt to repay. A game to win. After being swept up in the magical world of Caraval, Donatella Dragna has finally escaped her father and saved her sister Scarlett from a disastrous arranged marriage. The girls should be celebrating, but Tella isn’t yet free. She made a desperate bargain with a mysterious criminal, and what Tella owes him no one has ever been able to deliver: Caraval Master Legend’s true name.
The only chance of uncovering Legend’s identity is to win Caraval, so Tella throws herself into the legendary competition once more—and into the path of the secrets…including her sister's. Caraval has always demanded bravery, cunning, murderous heir to the throne, a doomed love story, and a web of bargain and deliver Legend’s name, she’ll lose everything she cares about—maybe and sacrifice. But now the game is asking for more. If Tella can’t fulfill her Welcome, welcome to Caraval...the games have only just begun. even her life. But if she wins, Legend and Caraval will be destroyed forever.


A companion tale to Sarah J. Maas's #1 New York Times bestselling A Court of Thorns and Roses series that takes place several months after the explosive events of A Court of Wings and Ruin.
Narrated by Feyre and Rhysand, this story bridges the events in A Court of Wings and Ruin and the upcoming novels in the series. Feyre, Rhys and their companions are still busy rebuilding the Night Court and the vastly changed world beyond. But Winter Solstice is finally near, and with it a hard-earned reprieve. Yet even the festive atmosphere can't keep the shadows of the past from looming. As Feyre navigates her first Winter Solstice as High Lady, she finds that those dearest to her have more wounds than she anticipated – scars that will have a far-reaching impact on the future of their court.

VICTORY COMES AT A PRICE.Mare Barrow learned this all too well when Cal’s betrayal nearly destroyed her. Now determined to protect her heart—and secure freedom for Reds and newbloods like her—Mare resolves to overthrow the kingdom of Norta once and for all… starting with the crown on Maven’s head.
But no battle is won alone, and before the Reds may rise as one, Mare must side with the boy who broke her heart in order to defeat the boy who almost broke her. Cal’s powerful Silver allies, alongside Mare and the Scarlet Guard, prove a formidable force. But Maven is driven by an obsession s deep, he will stop everything—and everyone—in his path. at nothing to have Mare as his own again, even if it means demolishing War is coming, and all Mare has fought for hangs in the balance. Will victory be enough to topple the Silver kingdoms? Or will the little lightning girl be forever silenced? In the epic conclusion to Victoria Aveyard’s stunning series, Mare must embrace her fate and summon all her power… for all will be tested, but not all will survive.

What do you think? Is there any other book that you want to read during this month? Is there a book that you have been waiting for?

Novedades editoriales: MAYO 2018

¡Mañana empieza mayo! Y eso significa nuevas publicaciones literarias. Aquí os dejamos los libros que se publican este mes y que más ganas tenemos de leer…
Un corazón para proteger. Una deuda para pagar. Un juego para ganar. Después de ser arrastrada por el mundo mágico de Caraval, Donatella Dragna finalmente escapó de su padre y salvó a su hermana Scarlett de un desastroso matrimonio arreglado. Las chicas deberían estar celebrando, pero Tella aún no es libre. Ella hizo un trato desesperado con un misterioso criminal, y lo que Tella le debe nadie ha podido entregar: el verdadero nombre de Caraval Master Legend.
¿La única posibilidad de descubrir la identidad de Legend es ganar Caraval, entonces Tella se lanza a la legendaria competencia una vez más y en el camino del asesino heredero al trono, una historia de amor condenada y una red de secretos? ? incluyendo a su hermana. Caraval siempre ha exigido valentía, astucia y sacrificio. Pero ahora el juego está pidiendo más. Si Tella no puede cumplir con su trato y entregar el nombre de Legend, perderá todo lo que le importa, tal vez incluso su vida. Pero si ella gana, Legend y Caraval serán destruidos para siempre. Bienvenido, bienvenido a Caraval ... los juegos apenas han comenzado.

Un cuento complementario a la exitosa serie de Court of Thorns and Roses (Una corte de Rosas y Espinas), el  número uno del New York Times de Sarah J. Maas, que tiene lugar varios meses después de los explosivos eventos de A Court of Wings and Ruin” (Una corte de Alas y Ruinas).
Narrado por Feyre y Rhysand, esta historia une los eventos en A Court of Wings and Ruin” (Una corte de Alas y Ruinas) y las próximas novelas de la serie. Feyre, Rhys y sus acompañantes todavía están ocupados reconstruyendo la Corte Nocturna y el mundo enormemente cambiado más allá. Pero el Solsticio de Invierno finalmente está cerca, y con él un indulto ganado con esfuerzo. Sin embargo, incluso la atmósfera festiva no puede ocultar las sombras del pasado. Cuando Feyre navega su primer solsticio de invierno como la Dama Suprema, descubre que sus personas más queridas tienen más heridas de las que esperaba, cicatrices que tendrán un gran impacto en el futuro de su corte.

Mare Barrow aprendió esto muy bien cuando la traición de Cal casi la destruye. Ahora decidida a proteger su corazón y asegurar la libertad de los rojos y sangre nueva como ella, Mare resuelve derrocar el reino de Norta de una vez por todas ... comenzando con la corona en la cabeza de Maven.
Pero ninguna batalla se gana sola, y antes de que los Rojos se levanten como uno, Mare debe ponerse del lado del chico que le rompió el corazón para poder vencer al chico que casi la rompe. Los poderosos aliados de la Plata de Cal, junto con Mare y la Guardia Escarlata, demuestran ser una fuerza formidable. Pero Maven está impulsado por una obsesión tan profunda, que no se detendrá ante nada para tener a Mare como suya nuevamente, incluso si eso significa demoler todo, y a todos, en su camino.
La guerra está por llegar, y todo lo que Mare ha luchado está en juego. ¿La victoria será suficiente para derrocar a los reinos de plata? ¿O la pequeña niña del rayo será silenciada para siempre? En la conclusión épica de la impresionante serie de Victoria Aveyard, Mare debe abrazar su destino y convocar a todo su poder ... porque todos serán probados, pero no todos sobrevivirán.

¿Vosotros/as qué pensáis? ¿Hay algún otro libro que tenéis ganas de leer durante este mes? ¿Hay algun libro que lleváis esperando tiempo?

domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

Review: "Indomable: Diary of a girl in flames" by SrtaBebi

Title: Indomable: Diary of a girl in flames
Author: SrtaBebi
Publisher: Montena
Year: 2017
Pages: 128
ISBN-13: 978-8490438800
Note: 9/10

viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Recommendations: APRIL 2018

April is already over and like every month here we bring you the recommendations of the books that we liked the most this month…

Abstact:It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children. While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places
Opinion: Upon discovering that they were going to write a book about how Harry and his friends' life was after almost 19 years of the Battle of Hogwarts, I was very excited. It is necessary to say that the absence of J.K Rowling is noticeable in some parts, but even so it is a wonder for the geeks of that world.

Abstact: Being Magnus Bane is not easy. Since he is a sorcerer, he always has to solve the problems of others. His life has been long, and he has had many loves. And he has known to be in the right place at the right time (well, sometimes not so much): The French Revolution, the great blackout of New York City, the first great battle between Valentine and the New York Institute ... But help to flee to Marie Antoinette has no comparison with loving a vampire like Camille Belcourt or having the first date with Alec Lightwood. It would be impossible for Magnus to tell each and every one of his stories. Nobody would believe him. Here are eleven stories that reveal some secrets ... that he sure would not want to have been revealed.
Opinion: Those who have read "Shadowhunters" have worshiped the great sorcerer Magnus, what better way to learn more about his great adventures? It is a book that reveals its best moments, how it grows and becomes the great sorcerer ... For all those like me who love Magnus has been totally necessary for this whole world.

Abstact: Milly's mother is a serial killer. Though Milly loves her mother, the only way to make her stop is to turn her in to the police. Milly is given a fresh start: a new identity, a home with an affluent foster family, and a spot at an exclusive private school.But Milly has secrets, and life at her new home becomes complicated. As her mother's trial looms, with Milly as the star witness, Milly starts to wonder how much of her is nature, how much of her is nurture, and whether she is doomed to turn out like her mother after all.
Opinion:I will talk better about the book on my next review, but it is so great. It was a long time since a book didn’t got me hooked like this. She knows how to keep the suspense up to the very end and her psychological description of the characters it is perfect. Besides, it has an unexpected end!

Abstact:What if the princess didn't marry Prince Charming but instead went on to be an astronaut? What if the jealous step sisters were supportive and kind? And what if the queen was the one really in charge of the kingdom? Illustrated by sixty female artists from every corner of the globe, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls introduces us to one hundred remarkable women and their extraordinary lives, from Ada Lovelace to Malala, Amelia Earhart to Michelle Obama. Empowering, moving and inspirational, these are true fairy tales for heroines who definitely don't need rescuing.
Opinion: Essential. This book follows our (and of many other people) approach to visibility women that history had silenced. Women writers, women musicians, women activists, women politicians, paintress, etc, some eclipsed by men (Evita Perón, Frida Khalo -who is not as feminist as people believe-) and others who were simply forgotten or didn’t receive as many recognition as they deserved. History also has a woman’s name.

Abstact: An affecting and hope-filled posthumous collection of essays and stories from the talented young Yale graduate whose title essay captured the world’s attention in 2012 and turned her into an icon for her generation.
Marina Keegan’s star was on the rise when she graduated magna cum laude from Yale in May 2012. She had a play that was to be produced at the New York International Fringe Festival and a job waiting for her at the New Yorker. Tragically, five days after graduation, Marina died in a car crash.As her family, friends, and classmates, deep in grief, joined to create a memorial service for Marina, her unforgettable last essay for the Yale Daily News, “The Opposite of Loneliness,” went viral, receiving more than 1.4 million hits. She had struck a chord.
Opinion:This book is a set of essays, short stories and a discourse (my favorite) that convey hope, tragedy, possibility, love, fear, friendship, anxiety... those and many other feelings, sensations and experiences that reflect what youth is.

Abstact: Chaos is what makes you different. What people do not understand about you or what you want them to change. But the chaos is part of one, therefore, when someone does not understand you tell him: Love my chaos. “The blue world” is the new novel by Albert Espinosa; a story that links with “The Yellow World” and “Red Bracelets” and with which closes a trilogy of colors that speak of life, struggle and death. Espinosa introduces us to a narrative of adventures and emotions about a group of young people who face a great challenge: to rebel against a world that tries to order its chaos. Through five characters, an island and an incessant search for life, the author introduces us back into his particular universe with a story that unfolds in a dreamlike and fantastic world, with a strong start and a hopeful and full of light
Opinion: A narrative book with a story about life, death and what happens in between. Albert deals with the implications of these two moments and the process in between for us as individuals through one of his endearing and heartbreaking stories. Its reading is not easy (as it is not the one of any book that speaks on these subjects) but it is worth it.

What do you think? Do you know any? Have you read any?

Recomendaciones: ABRIL 2018

Ya se acaba Abril y como todos los meses aquí os traemos las recomendaciones de los libros que más nos han gustado este mes…

Sinopsis: Ser Harry Potter nunca ha sido tarea fácil, menos aún desde que se ha convertido en un atareadisimo empleado del Ministerio de Magia, un hombre casado y padre de tres hijos. Y si Harry planta cara a un pasado que se resiste a quedar atrás, su hijo menor, Albus Severus, ha de luchar contra el peso de una herencia familiar de la que él nunca ha querido saber nada. Cuando el destino conecte el pasado con el presente, padre e hijo deberán afrontar una verdad muy incómoda: a veces, la oscuridad surge de los lugares más insospechados.
Opinión: Al descubrir que iban a escribir un libro (obra de teatro) sobre cómo fue la vida de Harry y sus amigos después de casi 19 años de la Batalla de Hogwarts, me hizo muchísima ilusión. Hay que decir que se nota en algunas partes la ausencia de J.K Rowling, pero aun así es una maravilla para los frikis de ese mundillo.

Sinopsis: Ser Magnus Bane no es fácil. Como es un brujo, siempre tiene que solucionar los problemas de otros. Su vida ha sido larga, y ha tenido muchos amores. Y ha sabido estar en el lugar correcto en el momento adecuado (bueno, a veces no tanto): La Revolución francesa, el gran apagón de la ciudad de Nueva York, la primera gran batalla entre Valentine y el Instituto de Nueva York… Pero ayudar a huir a María Antonieta no tiene comparación con amar a una vampira como Camille Belcourt o tener la primera cita con Alec Lightwood. Para Magnus sería imposible contar todas y cada una de sus historias. Nadie le creería. Aquí hay once relatos que descubren algunos secretos… que seguro él no querría que se hubiesen revelado.
Opinión: Quienes han leído “Cazadores de sombras” han adorado al gran brujo Magnus, ¿qué mejor manera de conocer más de sus grandes aventuras? Es un libro que revela sus mejores momentos, como crece y llega a ser el gran brujo… Para todos aquellos como yo que adoran a Magnus ha sido totalmente necesario para todo este mundo.

Sinopsis: La madre de Milly es una asesina en serie. Aunque Milly ama a su madre, la única manera de pararla es denunciarla a la policía . A Milly le dan una nueva vida: una nueva identidad, una casa con una familia adoptiva influyente, un lugar en un exclusivo colegio privado.Pero Milly tiene secretos, y su vida en la nueva casa se vuelve complicada. Mientras se cierne el juicio de su madre, con Milly como la testigo estrella, Milly se empieza a preguntar cuánto de ella es naturaleza, cuánto de ella es debido a su alimentación, y si está destinada a ser como su madre, después de todo.
Opinión: Os hablaré del libro más en profundidad en la próxima reseña, pero es muy bueno. Hacía tiempo que no me enganchaba un libro así. Sabe mantener el suspense de principio a fin además, ¡tiene un final totalmente inesperado!

Sinopsis: Todas las niñas deberían crecer pensando que pueden llegar a ser lo que ellas quieran. Había una vez una princesa... ¿una princesa? ¡¿Qué?! Había una vez niña que quería llegar hasta Marte. Érase una vez una mujer que se convirtióen una de las mejores tenistas del mundo y otra que descubriócómo se da la metamorfosis de las mariposas. De Frida Kalo a Jane Goodall, de Coco Chanel a Nina Simone, de las hermanas Bronte a Marie Curie este libro narra las extraordi-narias vidas de 100 mujeres valientes y, además, cuenta con las ilustraciones de 60 artistas de todo el mundo. Científicas, astronautas, levantadoras de pesas, juezas, chefs... cien ejemplos de determinación y audacia para las que sueñan en grande.
Opinión: Imprescindible. Este libro está en línea con nuestra labor (y de muchas mujeres) de dar visibilidad a todas las mujeres que la historia ha silenciado. Escritoras, músicas, activistas, políticas, pintoras, etc, algunas eclipsadas por hombres (Evita Perón, Frida Khalo -que no es tan feminista como se cree-) y otras simplemente olvidadas o que no recibieron el reconocimiento que merecían. La historia también tiene nombre de mujer.

Sinopsis: Una colección póstuma llena de esperanza y llena de ensayos e historias de la talentosa joven graduada de Yale cuyo título de ensayo capturó la atención mundial en 2012 y la convirtió en un ícono para su generación.La estrella de Marina Keegan estaba en auge cuando se graduó magna cum laude de Yale en mayo de 2012. Ella tenía una obra de teatro que iba a producirse en el Festival Fringe Internacional de Nueva York y un trabajo esperándola en el New Yorker. Trágicamente, cinco días después de su graduación, Marina murió en un accidente automovilístico. Como su familia, amigos y compañeros de clase, sumidos en el dolor, se unieron para crear un servicio en memoria de Marina, su inolvidable último ensayo para el Yale Daily News, “The opposite of loneliness” (Lo opuesto a la soledad) se volvió viral, recibiendo más de 1.4 millones de visitas.
Opinión: Este libro es un conjunto de ensayos, relatos cortos y un discurso (mi favorito) que transmiten esperanza, tragedia, posibilidad, amor, miedo, amistad,  ansiedad… esos y otros muchos sentimientos, sensaciones y experiencias que reflejan lo que es la juventud.

Sinopsis: El caos es lo que te hace diferente. Lo que la gente no entiende de ti o lo que desea que cambies. Pero el caos es parte de uno, por ello, cuando alguien no te entienda dile: Ama mi caos. El mundo azul es la nueva novela de Albert Espinosa; una historia que enlaza con “El mundo amarillo” y “Pulseras rojas” y con la que se cierra una trilogía de colores que hablan de vida, de lucha y de muerte. Espinosa nos introduce en una narración de aventuras y emociones sobre un grupo de jóvenes que se enfrentan a un gran reto: rebelarse contra un mundo que trata de ordenar su caos. A través de cinco personajes, una isla y una búsqueda incesante por vivir, el autor vuelve a introducirnos en su particular universo con una historia que se desarrolla en un mundo onírico y fantástico, con un arranque contundente y un desenlace esperanzador y lleno de luz.
Opinión: Un libro narrativo con una historia sobre la vida, la muerte y lo que pasa entre medias. Albert trata las implicaciones que tienen esos dos momentos y el proceso entre medias para nosotros como individuos a través de una de sus historias entrañables y desgarradoras. Su lectura no es fácil (como tampoco lo es el de ningún libro que hable sobre estos temas) pero merece la pena.

¿Qué os han parecido? ¿Conocéis alguno? ¿Habéis leído alguno?

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

Book day: 20 questions test...

Happy day of the book to all of you! And taking into account this special occasion, today we have done a small literary test about books ..

Marta’s literary test:
  1. The last books that I have read…
    • Still me by Jojo Moyes.
    • Escape: The seven potions by Andrea Izquierdo.
    • Idiotizadas by Moderna de Pueblo.
    • Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.
  2. The books that changed my way of thinking…
    • All the bright places by Jennifer Niven.
    • Indomable by Srtabebi.
    • The host by Stephenie Meyer.
  3. The last books that made me cry…
    • The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
    • Before you by Jojo Moyes.
    • PSI: I love you by Cecelia Ahern.
  4. The last books that made me laugh…
    • No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas by Laura Norton.
    • Idiotizadas by Moderna de Pueblo.
    • All Megan Maxwell books.
  5. The borrowed books that have not been returned to me…
    • Idiotizadas de Moderna de Pueblo.
    • Good night stories for rebel girls by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo.
    • Escape: The seven potions by Andrea Izquierdo.
  6. The borrowed books I have not returned… I always return all hahaha.
  7. A book that I would read again… Harry Potter saga by J.K. Rowling.
  8. A book to gift blindly… Indomable de Srtabebi.
  9. A book that surprised me for good… Por una rosa de Laura Gallego, Javier Ruescas y Benito Taibo.
  10. One of the first books I read at school… Manolito gafotas by Elvira Lindo
  11. A book that I stole… Quidditch through the ages (sorry mom hahaha)
  12. A book that I found lost… Nothing.
  13. The authors of the most books I have…
    • J.K Rowling.
    • Cassandra Clare.
  14. A valuable book… Special edition Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone of the anniversary in ravenclaw version.
  15. The books that I’m reading right now …
    • Autumn in London by Andrea Izquierdo.
    • Sissi, rebellious empress by Allison Pataki.
    • First of all, a lot of karma by Laura Norton.
  16. A book that would prohibit… It's a trilogy: Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James (HORRIBLE!)
  17. A book that I've been wanting to read for a while… The lesson of August by Raquel Palacio, now they have released the film but before seeing it I want to read the book.
  18. The next book that I am going to read… The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer
  19. The book that I would never read… There will be some but now I do not have any specific title.
  20. My favourite trilogies or sagas ...
    • Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.
    • Shadowhunters Chronicles by Cassandra Clare.
    • Memories of Idhun by Laura Gallego.
    • Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead.
Saru’s literary test:
  1. The last books that I have read…
    • Good me bad me by Ali Land.
    • Idiotizadas by Moderna de pueblo.
    • Good night stories for rebel girls by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo.
  2. The books that changed my way of thinking…
    • Las bicicletas son para el verano (bicycles are for summer) by Fernando Fernán Gómez.
    • A room of one’s own by Virginia Woolf.
  3. The last books that made me cry…
    • The Wild Air by Rebecca Mascull.
    • Depression by William Styron.
  4. The last books that made me laugh…
    • Idiotizadas by Moderna de pueblo.
    • Death at Sunset Grove by Minna Lindgren.
  5. The borrowed books that have not been returned to me… None, I can be sooo annoying so everybody ends up giving my books back hahaha.
  6. The borrowed books I have not returned… The Empress of the Ethereal Kingdom by Laura Gallego.
  7. A book that I would read again…
    • Every book of Tolkien
    • The catcher in the rye by J.D. Salinger
  8. A book to gift blindly… Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan.
  9. A book that surprised me for good… The sweet poison cook by Arto Paasilinna.
  10. One of the first books I read at school… Lazarillo de Tormes.
  11. A book that I stole…none.
  12. A book that I found lost… Robinson Crusoe by R.L. Stevenson.
  13. The authors of the most books I have…
    • Virginia Woolf.
    • Edgar Allan Poe.
    • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
  14. A valuable book …The clothbound penguin edition of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll that I bought in Stockholm in a trip with erasmus friends.
  15. The book that I’m reading right now… The two towers by Tolkien.
  16. A book that would prohibit… Love: diary of Daniel by Michel Quoist (an apology for homophobia and religious bigotry).
  17. A book that I've been wanting to read for a while… Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot (actually, I have it and I am longing to read it, but I’m soooo lazy).
  18. The next book that I am going to read… Great expectations by Charles Dickens.
  19. The book that I would never read… Fifty shades of grey by E.L. James.
  20. My favourite trilogies or sagas…
    • The middle earth saga by Tolkien.
    • The trilogy of Helsinki by Minna Lindgren.

Rocío’s literary test:
  1. The last books that I have read…
    • A Caribbean mystery by Agatha Christie.
    • Writing and reading by Maruny, Ministral y Miralles.
    • One of us is lying by Karen M. McManus.
  2. The books that changed my way of thinking…
    • Yellow world by Albert Espinosa.
    • Emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman.
    • Dear Ijeawele by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
  3. The last books that made me cry… I don’t usually cry with books, I can not think of any.
  4. The last books that made me laugh…
    • Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.
    • How to be a woman by Caitlin Moran.
    • The problem with women by Jacky Fleming.
  5. The borrowed books that have not been returned to me…right now nobody owes me any book.
  6. The borrowed books I have not returned…I always return the books they lend me.
  7. A book that I would read again…
    • Harry Potter’s saga by J. K. Rowling.
    • El nombre del viento y El temor de un hombre sabio de Patrick Rothfuss.
  8. A book to gift blindly…
    • Yellow world by Albert Espinosa.
    • Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne W. Dyer.
    • Goodnight tales for rebel girls by Elena Favilli y Francesca Cavallo.
  9. A book that surprised me for good… In general almost all that I have read.
  10. One of the first books I read at school…One of Kika Superwitch by Knister, I think the first of the collection Kika Superwitchand the book of the spells.
  11. A book that I stole…I have never stolen a book and I do not intend to do so in the future.
  12. A book that I found lost…I have never found any lost books, in fact, who loses books?
  13. The authors of the most books I have…
    • Agatha Christie.
    • J. K. Rowling.
    • Maggie Stiefvater.
    • Michael Scott.
  14. A valuable book…Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone by J.K. Rowling.
  15. The books that I’m reading right now…
    • Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne W. Dyer.
    • Goodnight tales for rebel girls by Elena Favilli y Francesca Cavallo.
  16. A book that would prohibit…I do not think it necessary to prohibit books: for tastes, colors.
  17. A book that I've been wanting to read for a while…Origin by Dan Brown.
  18. The next book that I am going to read…Who knows? But I want some mystery and murder so I'll choose one from Agatha Christie ..
  19. The book that I would never read…I can not think of any.
  20. My favourite trilogies or sagas…
    • Harry Potter saga by J.K. Rowling.
    • The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
    • The secrets of the inmortal Nicholas Flammel by Michael Scott.
    • Shadowhunters Chroniclesby Cassandra Clare.

What do you think? Have you been surprised by any answer?