lunes, 20 de agosto de 2018

Review: "Ante todo, mucho karma" by Laura Norton

Author: Laura Norton
Book: No culpes al karma #2
Publisher: Espasa
Year: 2017
Pages: 400
ISBN-13: 9788467047769
Mark: 6/10
 If you thought that after returning with Aaron, Sara, our Sara, was going to reach peace and serenity, is that you do not know her ... neither her, nor the fuck karma.

At the beginning of this novel, Sara finds herself right at the beginning of her fairy tale: an exciting job, a passionate husband and a son of an advertisement. But despite this winning hand, are you happy? Rhetorical question where there are: if you have no reason to torture yourself, Sara will search for you under the stones, and you will find them, well you will find them!

As many others had read the first part No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas (here review) and I thought something new, fun and especially something never seen before, but, the long-awaited movie appeared and I have confess that I was so disappointed ... but the thing does not end here the writer decided a second part of this book. So, like millions of other readers, I said to myself, "Why not read it?"

It is the second part of "No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas" so continue with the love story of Sara and Aaron but with a great novelty they are pregnant! They will have to face the novelties of paternity with combining the news with their sentimental life will they be able? In addition to the crazy of his parents who will continue with his comics, his sister Lu and his rare romances ... Previous characters will appear as Roberto, Inma, his family ... and new ones like Martiño, Rome, his new boss ...

In addition to the same mentioned in the first book (here review)
  • Roma Perotti: is the companion / boss touches Sara's noses that leads to ruin. He is a selfish person, who only thinks about his own benefit but all that behind a facade of very good person and wanting to help her.
  • Mario: Sara's new boss is a little emotionally unstable, in addition to demanding too much from her and blaming her for her demands and last-minute changes.
  • Martiño: The new love of Lu that will have a polyamorous plot with her and Roberto the ex of Sara.
The only news about some characters is that they evolve a bit or for some reason their personality is exaggerated (in some I did not like) and how to forget about the imaginary Imma, by God, I am such a fan of that character.

As I said other reviews of this author his writing style is fresh, fun and novel, but at the same time repetitive. As in "Gente que viene y ¡Bah!" (Here review) and "No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas" his writing style is the same, only that in the second one I mentioned it seems that Do not slack, you read and you want to read it again and again, because it is amazing, cool and very fun.
I liked two themes that this writer has touched on in this book that is polyamory (to normalize) and how is the reality of being parents, instead of painting everything very beautiful.
The whole novel is set at present and in Madrid, more specifically in Malasaña.

If I had to describe it in one word, it would be: UNNECESSARY.
It is a quick, entertaining and fun reading ... I could even say that it catches you in the story but does not contribute anything, just the story of Sara and Aaron with Guille (her son) how they live the difficulties of fatherhood and Lu's polymorphic history.
If you are looking to pass the time and you have read the first part, I recommend reading it, if it is not totally unnecessary to read it.


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