viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Bookstore and souvenirs from Oslo

Hey thereeee!
After a long time I’ve come back to retake this travel section. What I am going to do is to update these two entries:

I was in Norway only one week (only😞), but I lived in the outskirts so I could visit Oslo just one morning (I will upload another time a post to talk about what to see in Oslo in one day).

The bookshop I recommend you to visit is Eldorado (unfortunately I couldn’t visit it). It is stunning, it has an amazing entrance with a sort of dome with the name of the bookstore, and it has two floors. It seems magical!

About the souvenirs, I am a declared fan of the figures of trolls with flags, but in this case I have to remark the figures of vikings and, for the lovers of cheese, the brunost (brown cheese). It is a variety of goat cheese that has a sweet taste, honeyed. The first time you eat it is very strange, but eventually you love it!


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