viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2018

Review: "Te quiero, baby" by Isabel Keats

Publisher: Harlequin Ibérica, S.A
Year: 2015
Pages: 264
ISBN-13: 9788468761619
Price: 15(Soft cover)
Mark: 8/10

Raff Connor, an American with more money than good taste, is determined to find the woman of his dreams and marry her in less than three months. So he hires India Antúnez del Diego and Caballero de Alcántara, a young girl from one of the best families in Madrid who came to far less, so that she can polish her manners.

India is surprised by such an assignment, but a woman like her, a widow with two dependents, who is up to her neck in debt, does not have much choice.

India soon discovers that Raff is a giant with a hyper-developed sense of humor, and those three months by his side will be one of the most fun he remembers; However, not everything is laughter in his life, and he will have no choice but to face some ghosts of the past who are bent on tormenting her.

How has this book reached my hands? Well, while looking for a fun, entertaining and romantic story, I found this gem. By the title at the beginning I was not very sure of wanting to read it since it seemed like the typical romantic story that is repeated in many novels, and I definitely did not look for that at all. But one day I decided to buy it for the kindle and it definitely was not a topic at all.

The book begins when Raff and India meet for work, in which she has three months for Raff to improve her manners, organize a party for the anniversary of her company, decorate her house and .... FIND HER WOMAN AND ORGANIZE A WEDDING! Yes as you read, that's how interesting it starts. Let's see how they start having a close friendship and help each other as much as possible. If you want to know more I recommend reading the book because it is worth it.

Raff: He is a rich American, a giant next to the rest who comes from a humble family and therefore all his achievements have depended on himself. He is a funny character, but at the same time with a character that fights for what he wants (that's why he has achieved everything he has up to now). As we will see in the first chapter (it is not spoiler hahaha) that for the first time in his life he will believe in love at first sight and will fight for him, and even if he is a bit "possessive" and looks "rough", he will get win the heart of India.
India: She is a girl who lives day by day, surviving and leading a house by herself with Tata who helps her with Sol (her daughter). In the past, she was a rich girl, who had everything she wanted, even married very well with the ideal man, but ... is everything as beautiful as it seems? Throughout this story we will see how she has become the fighter woman that today is and as a step of wealth to survive every day.
Other characters would be Tata and Sol who are both a complete love ... Tata inspires that tenderness we feel for a mother, for someone who has seen us grow and who would follow us to the end of the world. And Sol, what about that little girl? It is endearing, lovely and every time it appears in the book just make you want to smile about how cute it is. There would also be Lucas and Candela who both take to kill but are India's best friends, who have some sexual tension. (Spoiler, in a future review you will know more about these characters).
As the last notable character would be the bad guy of the film, the cause of all the misfortunes of India.

This has been the first book I've read of this author, believed that like other romantic novel writers would fall into the typical story of "bad boy" who falls in love with the girl in the story, but no. He has managed to introduce the reader to the story from the first moment, keep you hooked to the book, as well as getting you to love each character.

Romance, mystery, sexual tension and above all, lots of laughter.
As I said in the previous section, you get hooked to the story and see how that romance and all relationships between the characters.
In summary: I liked it more than I expected.


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