jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

Literary test: literary habits

Today we bring you a test on our way of reading and our habits! All three of us have answered the same ten questions and we are very different!

Marta’s answers: 
1.      Do you have bad reading habits?
A few ... I fold the corners of the books to mark which page I've been on, I skip pages or paragraphs or if a book I do not like I leave it half or read the end to see if it hooks me.
2.    Do you prefer to read one book or several at the same time?
I prefer to read a book every time, although there are times when I get stuck with a book and read another one to later resume the previous reading.
3.    Where do you usually read?
Normally in bed, but also in the living room and my favorite place is in the garden of my parents' house ... it is sooooo relaxing.
4.    What is your favourite language to read?
I read in Spanish because with my level of English I do not think I learned much about the plot, but I would love one day to read in a language other than Spanish.
5.    What things distract you when you read?
It distracts me even when it is annoying that when they are reading they are talking to me or calling me to tell me something, noise and things like that. I like to read silently getting completely into the plot.
6.    Do you leaf through a book before reading it?
98% of the time yes, I love to open by a sheet at random and see the plot.
7.    Do you read the reviews before buying a book?
Many of the books I read or are on impulse, whether I liked the synopsis or just the cover, or recommendations from blogs or booktubers.
8.    Do you write or mark the books?
No, I have only highlighted a book (not school) in my whole life.
9.    How many books have you read this year?
I have read very little so far this year, I have read 10 books at the most, but I want to focus and read more.
10. Paper or digital books?
Both, I find it much more comfortable in digital format but also the books that I like the most I prefer them on paper. Also, the smell of new book I love

Sarah’s answers:
1.    Do you have bad reading habits?
Yes, especially bad for me, I read while I’m eating, when there’s little light, in every means of transport… And bad for the books, I carry them in my bag making them weary away.
2.    Do you prefer to read one book or several at the same time?
I can read some books at the same time, but I would rather read one and focus on it than to read several at the same time and get hook on none.
3.    Where do you usually read?
I used to read in the living room, as it is where I am most, but I can read in any place, bed, car, beach, parks, buses, etc.
4.    What is your favourite language to read?
My favourite language to read is that in which the book is written, Spanish, English, Italian or French.
5.    What things distract you when you read?
The people that talk to me while reading. I hate it.
6.    Do you leaf through a book before reading it?
Yes, I leaf through it, smell it and look at the number of pages.
7.    Do you read the reviews before buying a book?
If it is a book that I do not know nothing about, yes, to see if people liked it or not, even though that that does mean nothing as not everybody have the same tastes.
8.    Do you write or mark the books?
No, I absolutely dislike it. For me, books are just like a work of art and has to be preserved and cared in the best way possible. At most, I can put post-its to mark some interesting pages or poems.
9.    How many books have you read this year?
So far this year (5 months) I have read 39 books and I’m about to finish my number 40.
10. Paper or digital books?
Paper. Always. I love to be able to leaf through, to smell a book, have it on the self and be able to take it, consult it...

Rocío’s answers:
1.    Do you have bad reading habits?
Yes, too many (but only with my own books): I leave books half-reading, I skip pages, I browse, I write in the margins, I highlight in colors, I fold the pages .... My past self would surely suffer a heart attack when reading this, but right now my philosophy is that books are for living and feeling them and that implies destroying them a little ("Wreck this diary" was the cause of this idea).

2.    Do you prefer to read one book or several at the same time?
Honestly, I think I've never been able to read a single book at a time. Right now, I combine my education books with the "pleasure"books, but when I was in high school I used to read two or three "pleasure" books at the same time.

3.    Where do you usually read?
Years ago, I used to be very purist and I only read in the living room, but now I read literally anywhere (the bed, the desk ...) basically because otherwise I would not have time not to do it.

4.    What is your favourite language to read?
It depends on many things (if it's a pleasure book, if it takes a long time in translation, if it's a native writer), right now I'm prioritizing books in the original version and since I read many English speakers I'm reading mainly in English.
5.    What things distract you when you read?
Being sleepy and the people shouting around me and if it is something deeply boring but that I must read obligatorily, the other readings that I have pending.
6.    Do you leaf through a book before reading it?
Yes, I love to open the book by random pages and read single sentences. Also, I usually read the last page of the book before I start the book itself.
7.    Do you read the reviews before buying a book?
I love checking out Goodreads and other blogs to see people's reviews and I love spoilers (I know) by looking at the Tumblr and Pinterest fandom pages.
8.    Do you write or mark the books?
As I said before, for a while (about a year) I live intensely my books and that sometimes involves filling them with post-its, underlining them with colors and writing in the margins.
9.    How many books have you read this year?
For now, I have read 19 books and my annual goal was 25 so I think I will overcome my challenge. For three years I have only been able to read 15 books a year when I used to read more than 50.
10. Paper or digital books?
I don’t mind, I pick what there is or what I can. Paper books are wonderful, but digital books are cheaper, greener and they come faster to buy in Amazon so I buy what I can and what I need.

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