domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018

Review: "Con tinta me tienes" by Vero Garcia

Author: Vero Garcia
Publisher:  Titania
Year: 2018
Pages: 288
ISBN-13: 978-8416327430
Note: 7/10


Roberta Lamata is considered, above all, a normal person. His environment is not so, but so what? Although sometimes they get her out of control, her colorful family and her peculiar friends make life much more enjoyable and entertaining.
Especially when he has always had such bad luck with men.

Fed up with weird and liars, tired of giving opportunities to love, Roberta decides to close her heart and only allows herself to dream about a mysterious boy with whom she coincides repeatedly, who awakens butterflies in her stomach and does not know anything, but would like to know everything.

What she does not know is that the whimsical fate will lead her to disguise herself as Spice Girl and meet David, a clumsy boy, in love with the cinema who, far from fitting into the normal term, turns out to be charming and gives back the illusion. But when his personal film is in full shooting, fate will play his cards again and the mysterious boy will appear in his life with name and surname, stirring everything up.
Roberta will then be immersed in a sea of ​​doubts and, without being aware of it, will put her heart on a tray so that they can make a stew with it. That mysterious boy is called Berto and his personal circumstances will endanger what could be a beautiful love story. Will Roberta be able to fight against adversity? Can you bypass the strict rules of your clandestine family business? And most importantly: if love triumphs, will Berto be able to understand the nature of his work? Because love is painted blind ... but also crazy.



I discovered this great person in the youtube channel of Javier Ruescas, in the same one in which I found out about this book. When seeing a person so fresh, natural and funny, and above all that that same essence had her book, how could she reject something so incredible? Reading the synopsis also you realize that Roberta could be each of us in our day to day, is a story close to the reader and promises you a good time with the book.


In this story we will meet Roberta and her curious family, since it is not like any other, in it we will see a peculiar family business, a grandmother obsessed with Greek mythology and with little eye to choose names ... in the first pages she presents us characters closest to her and puts us in situation talking about Roberta. With this we discover that if mother has inherited from her grandmother the eye when choosing the names of her children, hahahahaha In short, we will discover how Roberta decides to close the door to love, but destiny does not want to close herself to love, with it she will live totally funny adventures and Surrealists.


  • Roberta: It's our main character. She is a student of journalism, works in the family business and also a love life too disastrous. She is obsessed with a boy who has ended up calling him "The mysterious boy" that he sees continuously. With a family and friends somewhat peculiar we will discover if he is able to meet a decent boy while enjoying their adventures.
  • David: He's a pretty freaky kid whose life revolves around the movie world, a big fan of Star Wars, who knows Roberta in a peculiar way and tries to make his romance a movie. At first both are excited, excited ... but can you impress Roberta a movie love?
  • The mysterious boy (Roberto): It is the biggest obsession of Roberta and her great love. He is a boy who sees almost every day when he goes to college and eventually gets to know, besides having that romance with the much dreamed. He is the ideal boy for her, but he hides a big secret because of his father's illness (gambling) he will have to pay his debts and that will take them away ... can they get over it?


It reminded me of Laura Norton's style with "Do not blame karma for what happens to you for assholes" or "People who come and bah" I could even say that it reminds me a bit like Megan Maxwell. But I have no complaint about it, it makes me like it even more, it reminds me of them but it has that special touch that only she has been able to put on and thus stand out from other writers who write similar.


I'd prepare a drink to your liking, something to nibble on and your favorite blanket ...

My expectations with this book were "it's going to be like the typical love stories" but not at all, it has surprised me, it has amused me and above all it has hooked me. I did not want to stop reading and know what new adventure was happening to Roberta in her chaotic life.

If I have to describe this book in three words, it would be: fun, different and touching.


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