sábado, 30 de junio de 2018

Publishing news: JULY 2018

Tomorrow starts july! And as always, here we leave the publishing news of the month that we are most eager to read.

“Stars of fortune” by Nora Roberts
Abstract: Sasha Riggs is a reclusive artist, haunted by vivid dreams and nightmares that she turns into extraordinary paintings. Desperate to understand her visions, she finds herself drawn to the Greek island of Corfu. She has only just arrived when she encounters Bran Killian, an Irish magician with a warm charisma and secrets dancing in his eyes. Sasha has never met Bran before, but she knows him only too well - because this is the man from her dreams. The man she has painted over and over again. The man she seems fated to be with...if she can find the courage to accept who she really is.
Sasha soon discovers that four other strangers have been lured to the island. Like Bran, they are all desperately searching for a mysterious jewel known as the fire star - before it falls into the wrong hands. Together, they might just succeed. But first they must learn to trust one another, and reveal their deepest secrets.
On the sun-drenched island of Corfu, love and magic are sparked into life. And for Sasha, nothing will ever be the same again.

The latest volume in our successful sweary coloring book series! F*CK OFF, I’M COLORING offers 30 all-new filthy words to color for relaxation and dirty mindfulness. Features: perforated pages for easy framing, one-side printing so colors don't bleed through and instant stress relief and humor.

A powerful, darkly glittering novel about violence, love, faith, and loss, as a young Korean American woman at an elite American university is drawn into acts of domestic terrorism by a cult tied to North Korea. Phoebe Lin and Will Kendall meet their first month at prestigious Edwards University. Phoebe is a glamorous girl who doesn’t tell anyone she blames herself for her mother’s recent death. Will is a misfit scholarship boy who transfers to Edwards from Bible college, waiting tables to get by. What he knows for sure is that he loves Phoebe.
Grieving and guilt-ridden, Phoebe is increasingly drawn into a religious group—a secretive extremist cult—founded by a charismatic former student, John Leal. He has an enigmatic past that involves North Korea and Phoebe’s Korean American family. Meanwhile, Will struggles to confront the fundamentalism he’s tried to escape, and the obsession consuming the one he loves. When the group bombs several buildings in the name of faith, killing five people, Phoebe disappears. Will devotes himself to finding her, tilting into obsession himself, seeking answers to what happened to Phoebe and if she could have been responsible for this violent act. “The Incendiaries” is a fractured love story and a brilliant examination of the minds of extremist terrorists, and of what can happen to people who lose what they love most.

What do you think? Is there any other book that you want to read during this month? Is there a book that you have been waiting for?

Novedades editoriales: JULIO 2018

¡Mañana empieza julio! Y como siempre, aquí os dejamos las publicaciones literarias del mes que tenemos más ganas de leer.

Sasha Riggs es una artista recluida, acosada por sueños y pesadillas que ella transforma en maravillosas pinturas. Sus visiones la llevan a la isla griega de Corfú, donde otros cinco han llegado atraídos por la legendaria estrella de fuego, mencionada en una ancestral profecía. Sasha los reconoce porque los ha dibujado: un mago, un arqueólogo, un vagabundo, un luchador, un ermitaño. Todos en su búsqueda. Todos con secretos que esconder.
Sasha es el nexo de unión entre ellos, la vidente. Y en Bran Killian, el mago, ve un hombre de inmenso poder y compasión. Mientras Sasha se enfrenta a su raro don, Bran está ahí para apoyarla, para retarla, para creer en ella.
Pero cuando la amenaza de la oscuridad aceche, los seis deberán aprender a combinar sus habilidades para encontrar la estrella de fuego y permitir así que el mundo siga su curso.

¡El último volumen de nuestro exitosa “juradora” colorida serie de libros! “Que te jodan, estoy coloreando” (en español) ofrece 30 nuevas y obscenas para colorear para relajarse y ensuciar la conciencia. Ofrece: Hojas perforadas para facilitar el enmarcado, dibujos impresos por una sola cara para que los colores no traspasen e instantáneo alivio del estrés y humor

“The Incendiaries” de  R.O. Kwon
Una novela poderosa y oscura sobre la violencia, el amor, la fe y la pérdida, en la que una joven coreano-americana en una universidad estadounidense de élite se ve involucrada en actos de terrorismo doméstico por un culto vinculado a Corea del Norte.Phoebe Lin y Will Kendall cumplen su primer mes en la prestigiosa Universidad Edwards. Phoebe es una chica glamorosa que no le cuenta a nadie que se culpa por la reciente muerte de su madre. Will es un niño becado inadaptado que se transfiere a Edwards de la universidad bíblica, esperando que las cosas vayan bien. Lo que él sabe con seguridad es que ama a Phoebe.
Apesadumbrada y llena de culpa, Phoebe está cada vez está más atraída por un grupo religioso, un culto extremista secreto, fundado por un carismático ex alumno, John Leal. Él tiene un pasado enigmático que involucra a Corea del Norte y a la familia coreana estadounidense de Phoebe. Mientras tanto, Will lucha para enfrentar el fundamentalismo del que ha tratado de escapar y la obsesión que consume a la mujer que ama. Cuando el grupo bombardea varios edificios en nombre de la fe, matando a cinco personas, Phoebe desaparece. Will se dedica a encontrarla, inclinándose hacia la obsesión, buscando respuestas a lo que le sucedió a Phoebe y si ella podría haber sido responsable de este acto violento.
“The Incendiaries” es una historia de amor fracturada y un examen brillante de las mentes de los terroristas extremistas, y de lo que puede sucederle a las personas que pierden lo que más aman.

¿Vosotros/as qué pensáis? ¿Hay algún otro libro que tenéis ganas de leer durante este mes? ¿Hay algun libro que lleváis esperando tiempo?

viernes, 29 de junio de 2018

Recommendations: JUNE 2018


“Wonder” by R.J Palacio

August Pullman was born with a facial difference that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a mainstream school. Starting 5th grade at Beecher Prep, he wants nothing more than to be treated as an ordinary kid—but his new classmates can’t get past Auggie’s extraordinary face. WONDER, now a #1 New York Times bestseller and included on the Texas Bluebonnet Award master list, begins from Auggie’s point of view, but soon switches to include his classmates, his sister, her boyfriend, and others. These perspectives converge in a portrait of one community’s struggle with empathy, compassion, and acceptance.
What to say about this book? To start is very necessary in all schools, institutes, even in each house. It teaches us that appearances are deceiving, that the posh can pretend to be super nice and have many prejudices or the one that you least expect will be your helping hand. Neither everything is a physical, nor is everything a beautiful face ... the most important thing in this life is the interior and treat others as you would like them to treat you.

 Salman Rushdie, a self-described ‘emigrant from one place and a newcomer in two’, explores the true meaning of home. Writing with insight, passion and humour, he looks at what it means to belong, whether roots are real and homelands imaginary, what it is like to reconfigure your past from fragments of memory and what happens when East meets West.

It is made up of pieces of four novels of Salman Rushdie (Shame, Imaginary Homelands, East, West and Joseph Anton) where he talks about the feeling of leaving our home, our country, our family, our friends… Of how hard is to turn into an immigrant and suffer xenophobia and hatred. Anybody who had lived abroad can identify with it, empathize with Salman.
It is another book of the Vintage Minis edition of Penguin, collection that I love. This is the third book of that collection that I have bought (Psychedelics by Aldoux Huxley and Depression by William Styron) and I am sooo in love. They are small editions that you can take everywhere, and they address specific topics. The covers -drawing and color- are related to the topic and, besides using recycled paper, they use some pages to show a quote taken from the book. Book and edition highly recommendable!

“Paper Towns” by John Green

Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So, when she cracks open a window and climbs into his life—dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge—he follows. After their all-nighter ends, and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues—and they're for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer he gets, the less Q sees the girl he thought he knew...

It's a very summery reading: a road trip with friends, trying to find someone and finding themselves on the road. Any book by John Green is synonymous with laughter and tears and a sense of recognition in the characters and their actions; obviously, in this case it does not disappoint. The characters of Q and Margo are very endearing (despite their obvious differences), as well as the rest of the companions who undertake the adventure. In addition, there is a mystery and many cartographic concepts in between, so you cannot ask for more! Therefore, "Paper Towns" is a perfect beach reading for me.