miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

Female writers: Nawal El Saadawi


¿Quien es ella?

Nawal El Saadawi es escritora, feminista, médica y activista política egipcia. Licenciada por la Universidad de El Cairo, se convirtió en Directora de Salud Pública de la capital, pero sus posiciones feministas terminaron enfrentando al gobierno egipcio, lo que llevó a su encarcelamiento, después de haber escrito Mujeres y Sexo (está escrito solo en árabe) en el cual denunció la práctica de la mutilación genital femenina. Posteriormente, debido a amenazas de grupos extremistas, tuvo que exiliarse de Egipto para establecerse en los Estados Unidos, donde ha enseñado en numerosas universidades.

¿Qué ha escrito ella?

He has published so much essay on Islamic practices and the current woman as on his own biography. As much as novel, short histories, their memories, not fiction ... here I will leave the translated works of the Arab to the Spanish:

What has she said?

“Women in most countries have not achieved much, since they can not be liberated under the patriarchal, capitalist, imperialist and military system that determines the way we live now, and that is governed by power, not justice, false democracy, freedom is not real.”

Why should we not forget her and her work?

She is a woman who fights for the rights of women and with her works she has shaped her experiences in order to make the world visible and thereby help other women, also while living in a totally religious culture she challenged beliefs and fought against them.


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