domingo, 22 de julio de 2018

Review: "Gente que viene y bah" by Laura Norton

Author: Laura Norton
Publisher: Espasa
Year: 2015
Pages: 456
ISBN-13: 9788467043402
Price: 19
Mark: 6/10
 How many odds are there that you'll get the lottery jackpot? Or that the boy you're about to marry is hanging out with the prettiest hostess on TV the same week you lose your job too? Bea's just happened (except for the lottery); so he decides to flee and take refuge in the house of his eccentric family looking for a bit of peace, although it will end up bringing chaos to everyone's life. Bea is like that. In this novel you will find a pink mercedes, a house in the trees, a redhead falling back (literally), a lot of laughter and a few tears of those who mourn at ease, who liberate you and reconcile you with life. A story with which you will discover that there is always something good waiting for you around the corner. If you know how to see it. And if you do not shit it.

Oh friends! Again I chose a book for its cover and even worse for its title, written by Laura Norton who became known with her book "No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas" (review here). This time I did not have to go to a bookstore or shopping center, I had to go to the house of my parents, if you read, I had my mother on his bookshelf, and that's how this book came into my hands. I found his previous book so incredible that that's why I decided to give this a chance, to know more about my impression, to continue reading.

This book begins with our protagonist Bea and her dramas (for a change ...) after breaking her commitment to throw her fiancé into the arms of another, all for making a TOP 5 of famous that could benefit if they knew them in person (yes , yes, as you read) home Cantabria and leaves all his life in Madrid, I must admit that I am excited to see that Cantabria mentioned, but not everything ends here friend who went to his childhood home to disconnect begin a loop of problems of which the center of the problem is Bea ... let the poor by stubbornness, loudmouth or for whatever reason not to continually screw up. And as I could not miss ... yes there is a kind of strange romance between the rich widower who also has a pink Mercedes (important fact) and her, but not before having his riffs eh, for big head she and as he proudly does not they win then imagine. In this story they do not stop passing events that make you laugh with each line more and more.

Before starting to explain a little the characters that I liked or highlighted: with the male characters has fallen completely in stereotypes but instead with the female has gone a bit the pot and it seemed that only one or two were ropes
We'll start talking about Bea ... poor wretch, absolutely everything happens to her. She is an architect who lives in Madrid, but because of love and dumb, she breaks her commitment with her partner, also an architect (and with a lot of shit). At that time he did not know what to do with his life he went to his friend Tinder's house and he forbids victimization (more than he already does), after that and a couple more nonsense ends up at home with his parents.
Let's start talking about your peculiar family ...
  • Mother healer who just by touching people knows what happens to them, we are a super nice person and their father only spends four months a year on land since he works on a boat but the whole family will have to face living every day with he.
  • Irene: Elder sister, mayor of the left, former woman of an Argentine PP and a son motocross machine but obsessed with death, also will have to deal with people who are opposed to their decisions for his people.
  • Débora: The typical rebellious sister, happily married to the fireman who is a hero (Juan) and they just had a newborn but ... suffers dwarfism, with it they will discover that he had a slip on the day of his bachelorette party (besides the drugs) . You will have to live with it, face public opinion and discover that the father of the child wants to be responsible.
  • Leon: The most cultured person in your house, and mysterious, since as the pages pass each time you discover new things. He has a relationship of "fuck friends" with the civil guard that his sisters were love, besides being a famous youtuber with enough money.
And finally: Diego, the redhead of the pink Mercedes, widower and rich man who looks like the rest of the town to continue mourning, in addition to having to fight: with a daughter who, because of the trauma of losing her mother does not want to talk, in-laws that they do not pass page with the death of their poor daughter and the mother-in-law daughter of bad bitch that does not want that it remakes its life.

Regarding the style of writing I like it because it has its unique humorous touch, buuuut ... I lack a lot of information about relationships between the characters. For example: the romantic plot between the redhead and Bea is very good but I lack information. Did you start a relationship? Did they just end up as friends and started a work project with him? Did the redhead discover what his mother-in-law really was like? In addition to Debora's crazy life, did he return with Juan his fireman? Did I just have a good relationship with Theodore (aka stripper)? Did your mother's healing career continue? and the most important WHAT HAPPENED WITH GOLLUM THE DOG OF THREE LEGS?

It's a good story: addictive and easy to read.
I liked it but I have read much better books.


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