domingo, 1 de julio de 2018

Review: "No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas" by Laura Norton

Book: No culpes al karma #1
Publisher:  Espasa
Year: 2014
Pages:  352
ISBN-13: 9788467041583
Note: 8/10


 If you are reading these lines, you have been struck by the title of my book.
Would you like to tell someone? Would you be able to tell it to yourself? And most importantly: would you like to keep the smile that has remained on your face for a long time? Well this is your novel.

We could tell you more or less funny what the thing is about, so that you could get an idea: if the protagonist, Sara, is very nice, that if she has a very interesting work (it is a plumber, to which you never heard it ?), that if he is a bit obsessive and allergic to shocks ... Of course, life gets complicated and he finds that his flat becomes a kind of cabin for the Marx brothers when in the same week they get to live with her her depressed father, her rebellious sister and her eccentric fiancé and, above all, the boyfriend she has not seen for a long time ... But we better not tell you about it because you will like to read it. The only thing that you need to know is that, from the title, we guarantee you a few hours of discarding fun as you have not enjoyed for a long time.


"No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas" is a novel by Laura Norton. Relatively recently (2017) has released a second part "Ante todo, mucho karma" (from which I hope to be able to talk about it in brief), these two novels would be classified as romantic with humorous touches or romantic comedy. How did the book reach my hands? I think that as 80% of the population ... the title calls a lot of attention to how funny it is that most of us feel identified by some situation that has happened to us in our life, so I told myself that It was time to read it. It is an incredible novel, full of laughs, love, adventures ... a good read fast and entertaining.
The whole book is about our protagonist Sara, a lecturer, curious, right? Well, the poor woman with the calm life she wants, the karma only complicates her more and more with setbacks: her mother has an affair and therefore her father is attached to her house, her house falls apart because of a mishap, her partner He goes abroad, and returns an old love to his life but promised his crazy sister, has the odd mishap with bird plumage in a zoo ... As you will see has a chaotic life but at the same time full of small adventures.
  • Sara: A young chemist who for reasons of fate ended up being a plumber, yes, as you read a plumber. He has a somewhat peculiar family, a revolutionary mother, a father who rediscovered his youth and Lu little sister. Throughout the book we will see how he has to face a lot of things, his father at home, get a peculiar business afloat, deal with his love act and his first love, a crazy sister ... Let's go that the poor girl seems that a one-eyed man has looked at her.
  • Lu: Oh, Lu! What to say about her? A crazy girl, who thinks that everything is very beautiful, is a model, likes the party and is engaged to a musician (Aaron). We will see the dramas, the laughter and the crazy head of this girl.
  • Aaron: Musician, daring, future husband of Lu... ah and Sara's first love. After years disappeared appears on the arm of his sister in Sara's house, for personal reasons he had to leave without giving any explanation to anyone and especially lead a life a little hard.
  • Roberto: Sara's partner, he's an architect and for work reasons he goes abroad to work. Sara and he will have to live their relationship at a distance, which will make them rethink many things... The times that have always been seen by circumstances of life have not been able to take the time together and a series of events will have to seriously rethink the relationship goes on or goes down.

It's writing style is quite good and even particular of this author. I have also read "Gente que viene y bah" which is also from this author and has certain touches that distinguish her from other writers of this same genre. I would have some but this novel as I have been wanting to know some characters better but ... having written a second part when I finish reading and I'll tell you if I still have the intrigue to know more about those characters or not.


It's an incredible novel, full of laughs, love, adventures ...
It's a quick, addictive and entertaining read.


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