domingo, 21 de octubre de 2018

Review: "TErminAMOs y otros poemas sin terminar" by Rayden

Author: David Martínez Álvarez (Rayden)
Publisher: Espasa
Year: 2016
Pages: 112
ISBN-13: 978-8467047462
Price: 11,35€
Mark: 7/10

A wise man once said: "Few things hypnotize so much in this world as a flame and like the moon, it will be because we can not catch them or because they illuminate us in the shadows."

I really do not know if someone said this quote or I just invented it, but they should have written it because the hypnotic power exerted by that woman in red and that white lady on the human being is worthy of study.

Every ending implies a principle and on the contrary, as the cycle of night and day, as the phases of the moon from the new to the full passing through its drought. We are just bags of water with hearts, brains, legs and entelechy, so it is normal for the moon to affect us as the tides do.

Relationships have a moon complex; they come out, they put on, they empty themselves and they hide themselves but they do not stop trying.

There are books that change lives, others that help to understand ... I hope this is the second.

One day like any other I went to Amazon (I left the link) and I bought this book, we go as many others, although this had something special for me was a singer who I admire for the values he has. As a musician to this day I liked it so much, for his incredible music and as his impressive concerts that I decided to give his book of poems a chance.
It is a poetry book written by the musician Rayden, in which he gathers several poems written by him. In addition to this he has written “Herido diario” that you will soon have a review here.
What to say? I think a clear style, which defines him 100% and as well said Risto Mejide in the prologue of this book "Because if there is something more sacred than knowing how to use words well, is the ability to also know how to put them vertically . "And he knows how to do it with his own personal touch that his fans like so much.

It is an easy-to-read collection of poems, with which you will gradually immerse yourself in each text, with each word ... It is incredible how it transmits us through poems or music.


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