viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Discovering Cantabria: Playa de la Arnía

It is one of the most spectacular beaches of the well-known "Costa Quebrada", the stretch of Cantabria coastline that goes from Piélagos to Santa Cruz de Bezana. It is located in the town of Liencres, within the municipality of Piélagos (Santander).
In its more than 200 meters of beach line there are imposing vertical ridges of limestone, small islets vestige of the old coast and a spectacular abrasion platform, forming one of the best geological landscapes of the area. This last coastal accident arises from the erosion of a rocky and flat soil due to waves and sand over time.
The fact of being separated from the population centers (it is located 3 km from Soto de la Marina) and its complex access (after parking has to complete a last section of descent on foot), makes it not too crowded beach, but it is one of the coastal corners that is worth knowing, especially at low tide.
The rocks of the Arnía are called farallones. They are limestone strata sedimented at the bottom of the sea 90 million years ago. They have risen almost to the vertical due to the thrust of the continent against the Cantabrian tectonic plate that lies below the coast.

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