jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018

[ESP-ENG] Rainbow Rowell (1973)

¿Quién es?

Rainbow Rowell (Estados Unidos, 24 de febrero de 1973) es una escritora estadounidense de novelas contemporáneas. Desde 1995 hasta el 2012 Rainbow trabajaba como columnista y redactora publicitaria y escribía como pasatiempo. En el 2011 publicó su primera novela, Attachments (Enlazados), una comedia romántica contemporánea sobre un chico encargado de la gestión informática de una empresa que se enamora de una mujer cuyo correo electrónico ha estado monitoreando. Seguidamente, en 2013 publicó Fangirl y Eleanor & Park dos novelas para jóvenes que tuvieron un éxito de crítica y de ventas inmediato. Después ha publicado dos novelas más, Landline (Segundas Oportunidades) y Carry On (Moriré Besando a Simon Snow) y dos historias cortas, My True Love Gave to Me (segmento Midnights) y Kindred Spirits, y actualmente pertenece al equipo creativo de la serie de cómics de Marvel, Runaways.
2011 - Attachments (Enlazados): novela.
2013 - Eleanor & Park: novela.
2013 - Fangirl: novela.
2014 - Landline (Segundas Oportunidades): novela.
2014 - My True Love Gave to Me (segmento Midnights): historia corta.
2015 - Carry On (Moriré Besando a Simon Snow): novela que se inspira en la saga de Harry Potter de J.K. Rowling y en una relación entre Harry Potter y Draco Malfoy y que se menciona en Fangirl.
2016 - Kindred Spirits: historia corta.
2017 - Runaways: comics.
¿Qué ha dicho?
Cita de Attachments (Enlazados):
“Quiero a alguien cuyo corazón sea lo suficientemente grande como para sostenerme”
Cita de Eleanor & Park:
"Eleanor tenía razón. Ella nunca se veía bien. Ella parecía arte, y se suponía que el arte no debía verse bien; se suponía que debía hacerte sentir algo ".
Cita de Fangirl:
“Porque soy el tipo de chica que fantasea con estar atrapada en una biblioteca de la noche a la mañana ".
Cita de  Landline:
"Te amo más de lo que odio todo lo demás".

Cita de Carry On (Moriré Besando a Simon Snow):
Justo cuando crees que estás teniendo una escena sin Simon, se acerca para recordarte que todos los demás son un personaje secundario en su catástrofe".
¿Por qué no deberíamos olvidarnos de ella y su trabajo?

Rainbow es una escritora contemporánea, que escribe sobre gente normal, que tiene defectos, que tiene pasiones, que habla mucho y que se enamora. Su trabajo es fresco, es sencillo, es contagioso, es natural. Habla del amor, de la vida, de las relaciones, de los sueños… Y es que, aunque todas sus obras son de ficción, todas ellas podrían pasar en la realidad.

Who she is?
Rainbow Rowell (United States, February 24, 1973) is an American author of contemporary novels. From 1995 to 2012 Rainbow worked as a columnist and copywriter and only wrote as a hobby. In 2011 he published her first novel, Attachments, a contemporary romantic comedy about a guy in charge of the computer management of a company that falls in love with a woman whose email has been monitoring. Then, in 2013, she published Fangirl and Eleanor & Park two young-adult novels that were immediately a critical and sales success. Then she has published two more novels, Landline and Carry On and two short stories, My True Love Gave to Me (Midnights) and Kindred Spirits, and currently belongs to the creative team of the series of Marvel comics, Runaways.
What has she written?
Although she has a fairly small bibliography, all its publications have been nominated for different prizes and have received very positive reviews.2011 - Attachments: novel.
2013 - Eleanor & Park: novel.
2013 - Fangirl: novel.
2014 - Landline: novel.
2014 - My True Love Gave to Me (Midnights): short story.
2015 - Carry On: novel that is inspired by the Harry Potter saga of J.K. Rowling and in a relationship between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy and also it is mentioned in Fangirl.
2016 - Kindred Spirits: short story.
2017 - Runaways: comics.
What has she said?
Attachments quote:
“I want someone whose heart is big enough to hold me.”
Eleanor & Park quote:
“Eleanor was right. She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.”
Fangirl quote:
“Because I'm the kind of girl who fantasizes about being trapped in a library overnight.”
Landline quote:
“I love you more than I hate everything else.”
Carry On quote:
“Just when you think you're having a scene without Simon, he drops in to remind you that everyone else is a supporting character in his catastrophe.”
Why should we not forget her and her work?
Rainbow is a contemporary writer, who writes about normal people, who have defects, who have passions, who talk a lot and who fall in love. Her work is fresh, it's simple, it's contagious, it's natural. She talks about love, life, relationships, dreams ... And, although all her works are fiction, all of them could happen in reality.


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