lunes, 1 de enero de 2018

[ENG] About us

We are Marta, Saru and Rocío: three Spanish girls who are in love with reading, writing and traveling.
In this space of the blog we will show you a little more in detail who we are by answering a series of questions: (1) who are you, what do you do with your life and what do you do on the blog? (2) what do you usually read? who is your favourite writer? (3) are you one of those who only read or do you also write? have you written something legible? and (4) what is your dream trip or favourite destination? in what do you focus to choose your trips?

Who are you, what do you do with your life and what do you do on the blog?
Greets! My name is Marta, born in Cantabria in 1995. I have studied to be a pharmacy and parapharmacy technician and I am currently improving in one of my greatest passions: photography. In fact, photography along with reading are my two methods of evasion. In this blog you will know a little more about me through my literary tastes and the photographs of places I have visited.
What do you usually read? Who is your favourite writer?
I usually read young-adult, fantastic and romantic literature. My great passion for that type of genre was caused by the series of books of “Memorias de Idhún” by Laura Gallego, the famous saga “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer and, especially, by the collection of “Shadowhunters” by Cassandra Clare. Lately I have started to read some poetry, but I do not close doors to other literary genres. Among my favourite writers are J.K. Rowling, Laura Gallego, Megan Maxwell and Cassandra Clare.
Are you one of those who only read or do you also write? Have you written something legible?
I only read, from time to time I write some other text about thoughts that I have, but nothing legible. I would love, in the future (I hope not very far), to write something that a small part of the population is interested in and above all that makes me grow as a person.
What is your dream trip or favourite destination? In what do you focus to choose your trips?
My dream trip would be to visit Spain and discover new places, although my favourite destination would be between Ireland or Scotland. Those have something that draw my attention and, therefore, I would love to know their customs, culture ...When it comes to choosing a trip, I usually do not focus on anything special  if I can travel where I want (because of money, company or any other reason) it's great, but I if not, I go to another place more accessible.

Who are you, what do you do with your life and what do you do on the blog?
Hello! My name is Saru, right now I am a student of English philology, before I studied a higher degree of tourism that allowed me to go in a Erasmus program to Finland. Since childhood I have devoured books and combine this hobby with my other passion, traveling. I also have another passion since I was little, and it's music. I play the bass in a band and on my own the piano and the guitar.
What do you usually read? What is your favourite writer?
I usually read everything, but I prefer eighteenth-century literature and feminist literature. Among my favourite writers are Edgar Allan Poe (my favourite writer ever), Arto Paasilinna, Virginia Woolf ...
Are you one of those who only read or do you also write? Have you written something legible?
I've been writing songs for my band for many years that could well be poems, as well as a tale. I have never dared to write longer stories.
What is your dream trip or favourite destination? In what do you focus to choose your trips?
My dream trip would be a long backpacking trip through pure nature, whether it's through Ireland, Scotland, Norway ... My favourite destination is Finland, I fell in love with it while my Erasmus there (no matter how much they say that both food and people are very bland LOL). When I choose a trip I usually focus in what can be visited, if there is something that can enrich me culturally, and the gastronomy and nature of the country ... Viking culture drives me crazy, that's why I always want to travel to the north :'). Money is not one of the things that I pay attention to since I always find very cheap offers.

Who are you, what do you do with your life and what do you do on the blog?
Hi! I am Rocío (although from now on I will sign as R), harvest of 94 and native of a small town of Cantabria (Spain). I have studied a bachelor's degree in Primary Education and right now I am studying a Master Degree in Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language while preparing my exams to be a teacher. In this blog I'm the one behind the calendars, the dates of publication, the writing prompts and basically anything that is signed with R.
What do you usually read? What is your favourite writer?
I usually read any narrative book that falls into my hands but I especially esteem the genres of mystery, action, science fiction, chick lit and young adult. I must mention my favourite book saga ever (the real reason why I started reading and why I fell in love with reading): Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. Also, I love any good comedy or drama play. My favourite female and male writers are J.K. Rowling, Agatha Christie, Rainbow Rowell, Michael Scott, Maggie Stiefvater and William Shakespeare.
Are you one of those who only read or do you also write? Have you written something legible?
I am one of those who read and try to write. When I was young (dramatic look) I used to spend some time of the week writing, especially narrative works, but, since the university absorbed me (2012), I have left it completely aside to dedicate myself to academic writing (papers, expositions, articles). I hope that the writing section of this blog allows/obligates me to meet again my writing skills.
What is your dream trip or favourite destination? In what do you focus to choose your trips?
My dream trip would be to rent a van / caravan and travel inside a country for as long as necessary. My favourite destination is anywhere in the United Kingdom and the city of Amsterdam. To choose my trips, I focus on several criteria: with whom will I go (company)? how long will I be there (timetable)? what can be visited there (culture and history)? and what can be done there (fun)?

Through these questions and answers you can surely know us a little better and see our differences and similarities. Surely you can see the common denominators that have made us know each other, be friends, exchange books and travel together.

We only have to wish you all a good reading, good writing and a good trip.

Thanks for reading us!

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