domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

Review: "Indomable: Diary of a girl in flames" by SrtaBebi

Title: Indomable: Diary of a girl in flames
Author: SrtaBebi
Publisher: Montena
Year: 2017
Pages: 128
ISBN-13: 978-8490438800
Note: 9/10


If you are reading this, you are probably one or a flammable. The why, you will understand.

Now, watch it:
This is not a book, it's a grenade.

Let the explosions begin.



I started following Srtabebi through social networks (instagram and twitter), I liked her content and also felt the same as her. I found out that I had taken the book Love and disgust and decided to read it, as I was reading it I felt identified with some texts, therefore, when he took out his second book Indomable I read it and in this case I felt identified with each text. With her texts she expresses the reality of a woman's day-to-day life and opens her eyes to other realities that you have not detected until now. Having read another book she knew more or less than waiting for me, although I was positively surprised.


In this book we talk about the vindication of women in their daily lives against the stereotypes that have been created over the years. Stereotypes and macho behaviors against which we struggle every day. It seems to me a totally necessary book that has reached the young public since the writer is a public figure who does not shrink in the language to say what she really thinks or thinks.


I like how it reflects the reality that millions of women live in this world.

Being written in poetry is a quick book to read, it makes you think and above all as well as I said, it exposes reality.


It's a book that I think we should all read independently of our sex.
If I had to describe this book with three words would be: feminist, vindictive and realistic.


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